Amatakers and Kettlebell Fans, we wanted to provide just a quick update.
Not a lot of news here. Cases in the city and nationally continue, more closures, more uncertainty. At this point I’m hoping we will be able to open up after Khmer New Year, but that is only if cases drop. So, I encourage you to lead by example – limit trips from home, keep a mask on when out, social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing. Only if we all do our part will we start to hit the curve down.
Kettlebell Café
As you may have noticed, we’ve been using this time to update our menu at the café. We’re bringing back a lot of the favorites from the early days developed by Chef Olivier. We’ll be refreshing more frequently as well. For this week, we’re doing 1 extra dish per day at a special price, the full new menu will debut on April 1st.
Ordering – Ordering directly through us is usually the best way. You can do this directly on our Facebook page or website. We will be making our return to Nham 24 soon but remember, food delivery services charge you the delivery fee and take 15-30% from the business. We see them as a necessary evil, convenient yes but definitely bad for the business unless we raise our prices.